The Week That Was : Edition 3.

3 min readMay 16, 2019


So when the creator of Mothers Day spent most of her time trying to denounce the “celebration” because of an economic phenomenon called “Aaj aur paisa kamana hain”, you got to stop and wonder why it’s still celebrated. Welcome to this weeks edition of : The Week That Was.

  • Disrespecting the supreme court should become a fundamental right. How dare a bunch of folks dressed like penguins tell us what we can or cannot do. Right ?
    Recently a mob brushed aside Section 377 and took upon themselves to remind people that Mangalore maybe the new bigoted capital of the country. Word got around that perhaps/could be/ may be the local priest was spending unnatural amount of time with another person. So a few gossip sessions later, the mob felt they had enough evidence to crucify him. After he failed to apologise for supposedly liking penises, he was beaten, humiliated, hair chopped and paraded around.
    Needless to say the police are now cracking down because now it’s made it to the news segment of “let’s get outraged for 2 minutes and move on”.
  • So when a 12th passed guy dupes airline companies of crores of Gandhi ji pictures, you really got to question the security features these websites.
    Anyways this chap used basic understanding of “mujhe kuch nahin ho sakta”, altered URLs at an exact moment in a transaction and got away with confirmed tickets without paying a dime. Most Indian airline companies including portal sites like cleartrip were basically throwing out free tickets to him and his customers. His luck eventually ran out after 2 years after a customer raised a complaint.
    Looking at the episode involving such high profile companies, I no longer wonder how my Aadhaar card details were compromised and being sold next to a sex toy shop in Palika Bazaar !
  • Modi supporters went ballistic when they realised that a Pakistani could read and write english. So to refute the story they brought in neither facts or data, but a heavily doctored Wiki page where he was shown professing his love for Pakistan and hatred for India. Well done guys, just well done ! At this juncture I do not see any difference between the orange wig and Modi.
  • Cult : A fitness centre endorsed by 2 rubber bands from Bollywood, I had to sign up. Now the good thing is, they have 10 different exercise options to choose from. The bad thing is people still stare into the mirror holding on to their biceps like it would jump off from their arms. Anyways, I love it. The variation is what keeps me going.
    I recently mustered up and gave boxing a chance and good mighty lord, I think this maybe the best decision I’ve taken all year. It’s like I punched open my box of Dopamine, and for no reason I was happy for the rest of the day.
  • Yoga : It took the western worlds acceptance for yoga to become mainstream in it’s home country. To calm the demon inside, my mother started sending me for yoga when I was in Class 3. She even took me to a fart festival which also happened to be Ramdev Babas yoga camp. I kid you not it was an orchestra of farts for 90 whole minutes. I am also sure few of those sounds were of souls exiting the body. Anyways, these yoga class are intense. At cult this is my mind in action :
    Step 1: Fold Hands (Oh this is easy)
    Step 2: Wait just 3 Deep breathes. (What is the fuss about ?)
    Step 3 : Raises one leg touching the left eye while the other leg is scratching the right ear. (Yup I am a fan of Ramdev now)
    Step 4 : Untangle body parts that you weren't aware existed (Question : where is the pain coming from, the soul or the body ?)
    Step 5 : Paralysis.

Thats all for this week !




Written by FriedPakoda

Still learning to form sentences !

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